Getting the Right Tests Can Make All the Difference: A Brother’s Journey to Find Hope Beyond Borders

Last updated: 21 October 2024

Getting the Right Tests Can Make All the Difference: A Brother’s Journey to Find Hope Beyond Borders

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This story of a patient from Venezuela was shared by his brother, who has been by his side throughout a challenging treatment journey. From the initial diagnosis to navigating treatments that didn’t provide the hoped-for results, their search for the right medical options led them beyond their country’s borders. 

After struggling to find a suitable course of treatment locally, they realized that having access to specific tests might open the door to more effective, targeted therapies. That realization became the turning point in their search for solutions.

Could you share a bit about your brother’s diagnosis?

My brother was diagnosed with cancer in October last year, after a medical inspection due to bleeding and soreness.

When the biopsia confirmed a tumor, the Oncologist recommended 33 radio therapy sessions and simultaneous chemotherapy. The radio therapy sessions were performed between November and January the following year. As the pain and tumor were still affecting my brother, new chemotherapy sessions were implemented in March. 

We realized after the third session that this therapy was not helping and only deteriorated his condition deeply. In April, he had to have a colostomy as the tumor was putting him at risk of obstruction.

How did you find out about and treatment options that aren’t available in your country?

Through internet browsing after I had reached out to the Venezuela branch of the manufacturer of the medicine my brother needed and they confirmed they did not have any idea about it. Searching in Colombia did not give any results either.

What was the process you had to go through to be able to import the medicine to Venezuela?

The acquisition from was simple after finishing the funds gathering.  Local taxation rules, political unrest, and my personal ignorance in the customs procedures delayed the process by two weeks. Locally, some logistics companies are slow to deliver, and other options are not available locally, as far as I know.

What has been the biggest challenge in getting the medicine your brother needed?

Performing the special test which recommended this medicine as an output, gathering the funds and passing through the customs in Venezuela.

What would you like to say to other patients and caretakers in a similar situation?

Possibly it is better to fly to Europe and pick up the medicines in the Netherlands. Also, try to ensure getting the right tests that can help identify targeted therapy options. At this stage, I don’t know if the medicine will provide a real benefit. It’s too early to know.


If you or a loved one are navigating similar challenges, and want to explore treatment options that may not yet be available in your country, feel free to reach out to for guidance and support. Our expert team can help you access the medicines you need, wherever they are. 


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