10 important facts to know about the new migraine injection

Last updated: 01 November 2019

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If you suffer from migraine and are actively looking for new and innovative treatment options, you might have heard about a new injection that’s just been approved.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. The trade name of the medicine is Aimovig and the active ingredient is erenumab.

2. Erenumab works by blocking calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptors. It is known as a CGRP antagonist.

3. Research has shown that CGRP levels increase in the body during migraine, which is why the medicine has been designed to block CGRP and its receptor.

4. Erenumab (Aimovig) is the first and only CGRP receptor antagonist to be approved and available to migraine patients.

5. In a 3-month clinical study, of which results have been published by the FDA, people who suffer from chronic migraine taking erenumab (Aimovig) had 6-7 fewer monthly migraine days per month (vs. placebo).

6. In a 6-month FDA published clinical study, people who suffer from episodic migraine had 3-4 fewer monthly migraine days on average (vs. placebo).

7. Erenumab (Aimovig) is taken as a once-monthly injection, administered by the patient.

8. Erenumab (Aimovig) has to be delivered via cold chain, and must be stored between 2℃ and 8℃.

9. The only known side effects of erenumab (Aimovig), according to the FDA publications, are a reaction at the site of injection, and constipation.

10. This medicine is approved by the Food and Drug Adminisration (FDA). Although it is an approved medicine, erenumab (Aimovig) may not be available or approved in every country. You can find more information about sourcing this medicine and having it delivered in your home country on our home page.

Do you have questions about erenumab (Aimovig)? Our team of qualified pharmacists speaks 17 languages and is ready to help. You can find our contact details here.


1. Summary of Product Characteristics [FDA]: AIMOVIGTM (erenumab-aooe) [PDF], Amgen, May 2018. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2018/761077s000lbl.pdf
2. Aimovig. Cited 19/07/2018. www.aimovig.com
3. FDA News Release: FDA approves novel preventive treatment for migraine, May 2018. https://www.fda.gov/newsevents/newsroom/pressannouncements/ucm608120.htm