Import unapproved medicine into Zambia
Importing medicines into Zambia

Ukusenda Umuti Ushakwata Umusepo ku Zambia wa Bumfwilwa bwa Mutende
Umulawo wa Medicines and Allied Substances Act (2013) ulebomba pakulamulila ukusenda, ukukonka, no ukutengesha umuti mu Zambia. Ku bantu abalefwaya ukusenda umuti wa bumfwilwa bwa mutende uushakwata umusepo panuma pa Zambia, pali ifyakulondolola ifyakulandilila ukuti bakose ukusenda umuti uwo mukubomfya amatontokanyo yefyo umulawo uletekanya.
Ukumfwana no Mulawo
Umulawo ukusosa ukuti onse umuti ukubwela ku Zambia ukalefwaya ukubomba mu calo uwilefwaya ukwenganwa na Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA). Nomba, pali amaka ya kwikatamo ukusenda umuti uushakwata umusepo, mailo nga umuti walefwayikisha pakukonka ubufwaili bwa mutende na nga tapali umuti umo uwaikalapo mu Zambia wa mukubomfya.
Ifyafwaika Pakusenda Umuti
Kuti usende umuti uushakwata umusepo ku Zambia ku bumfwilwa bwa mutende, ala ikalifyafwaika ifi:
- Icetekelo cakwikala: Cita ukupoka inshita kwa dokotala umo ukalandila amakalata yalandilako umulwele no kukonka ukuti umuti walefwaya pakuti umulwele asubele no ukuti tapali umuti umo uwaikalapo.
- Ukucelako ku ZAMRA: Tombako amakalata kucelako ku ZAMRA ukweba ukuti ulefwaya ukusenda umuti. Amakalata aya yamikatikamo:
- Amapepo ya mulwele ne cilema caba nabo.
- Ifyenginso ku muti uwalembwa, ukupangilwa no kuntu ukabombela.
- Amalumbo ya ulefwaya ukusenda no bantu ukwatila ubuchushi bwa muti.
- Ubukakashi ukuti umuti walembwa mu calo usendelwa.
- Ukumoneka kwa ZAMRA: Londa ukuti ZAMRA balombe amakalata aya. Nga balandile, bakakupela epama lyakusenda umuti uwalandilwa ukusenda ku fyakufwaikwa.
- Ulukaso Pakwinjila mu Calo: Peleka epama lyo ku banyinango balinga abashitentelele mukusefishe ifilefwaili. Umuti unga landilwa pakulondolola ifyo epama lya ZAMRA lyalanda.
Ilyo Ukufwile Watekanya
Abantu bafwile ukulolesha ifi icishinka:
- Inginga ya Mutengo: Ukusenda kwaba kukupo inshi kulondolola ifya bumfwilwa bwa mutende kubapelwa ne cappa caweme.
- Ifisangwa mu Minti Ifula: Nga umuti ukosa ifilemfwilwa kuli malawo yandi, umulawo wa Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act nauungila.
- Ubwesho no Bukake: Ulepekanya ukuti umuti ulekosa ali owishiba no ukuti ewa cine cine ukwezya ifimfwilwa fya bila.
- Tapali Ukutengesha Ku Bambi: Umuti ulesende fye kuli iwe no ukuti tawakwata amalumbo ya ukupa abashilipo.
Umulimo wa Ba Dokotala
Ba dokotala bale bombela sana mukusuma aka kakungwe mukufwaya ukuti:
- Bapoke amakalata yalandilako ukucindika umulwele no ukucetekela umuti.
- Basumine ukucelako ku ZAMRA pakuti umuti usendele.
- Bakonkele umulwele pakubomfya umuti no ukulandilapo amaka ukuba pa mutende.
Amapalo Ukucelako
Ukusosa ubushiku no nkulungwe, abantu na ba dokotala balealiko kufwaya amaka ku ZAMRA:
- Ifipatala fya ZAMRA
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: +260 211 220 429
- Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA)
- Medicines and Allied Substances Act (2013)
- ZAMRA Regulatory Framework
English Version
Importing Unapproved Life-Saving Medicines for Personal Use into Zambia
The Medicines and Allied Substances Act (2013) governs the importation, manufacture, and distribution of medicines in Zambia. For individuals seeking to import life-saving medicines that are unapproved or unavailable in Zambia, specific requirements must be met to ensure compliance with the law and to safeguard public health.
Understanding the Legal Framework
The Act mandates that all medicines imported into Zambia must be registered with the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA). However, there are provisions for importing unregistered medicines under certain circumstances, especially when the medicine is critical for saving a life and no registered alternative is available.
Requirements for Importation
To import an unapproved life-saving medicine for personal use, the following steps are required:
- Medical Justification: Obtain a prescription and a detailed medical report from a registered medical practitioner in Zambia, stating the necessity of the medicine for the patient's health and confirming that no registered alternatives are available.
- Application to ZAMRA: Submit an application to ZAMRA requesting permission to import the specific medicine. The application should include:
- Patient's details and medical condition.
- Details of the prescribed medicine, including dosage and duration of treatment.
- Information about the overseas supplier or manufacturer.
- Evidence of the medicine's registration in its country of origin.
- Approval from ZAMRA: Wait for ZAMRA to review the application. If approved, ZAMRA will issue a permit authorizing the importation of the specified quantity of medicine for personal use.
- Customs Clearance: Present the ZAMRA permit at the point of entry for customs clearance. The medicine may be subject to inspection to ensure compliance with the permit conditions.
Important Considerations
Individuals must be aware of the following considerations:
- Quantity Restrictions: Importation is typically limited to quantities sufficient for personal use for a specified period, as determined by the prescribing physician and approved by ZAMRA.
- Controlled Substances: If the medicine contains controlled substances, additional regulations under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act may apply.
- Authenticity and Safety: The importer must ensure the medicine is authentic and obtained from a reputable source to avoid counterfeit or substandard products.
- No Commercial Distribution: The imported medicine must not be resold or distributed to others; it is strictly for the personal use of the patient named in the permit.
Role of Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare professionals play a critical role in this process by:
- Providing thorough medical documentation and justification for the unregistered medicine.
- Assisting patients with the application process to ZAMRA.
- Monitoring the patient's use of the medicine and reporting any adverse effects.
Contact Information
For more information or assistance, individuals and healthcare providers can contact ZAMRA directly:
- ZAMRA Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +260 211 220 429