Import unapproved medicine into Seychelles

Importing medicines into Seychelles

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Importing Life-Saving Unapproved Medicines into Seychelles

The Controlled Drugs Act (2016) governs the importation of medicines into Seychelles. For individuals seeking to import life-saving medicines that are unapproved or unavailable locally, specific procedures must be followed to ensure compliance with the law and safeguard public health.

Understanding the Controlled Drugs Act (2016)

The Controlled Drugs Act (2016) is the primary legislation regulating controlled drugs and substances in Seychelles. It outlines the legal framework for the control, distribution, and importation of drugs to prevent misuse and ensure the availability of essential medicines to those in need.

Key Provisions Relevant to Personal Importation

  • Authorization Requirement: Individuals must obtain prior authorization from the Ministry of Health or the designated regulatory body before importing any controlled drugs, including unapproved medicines.
  • Medical Justification: A valid prescription or medical certificate from a licensed medical practitioner is required to demonstrate the necessity of the medicine for life-saving purposes.
  • Quantity Restrictions: The imported quantity should be limited to personal use, typically not exceeding a three-month supply, unless otherwise approved.
  • Documentation: Comprehensive documentation must be provided, including details of the medicine, dosage, duration of treatment, and the prescribing physician's credentials.

Steps to Import Unapproved Life-Saving Medicine

1. Obtain a Prescription from a Licensed Medical Practitioner

The first step involves consulting with a licensed medical practitioner who can assess the medical condition and determine the necessity of the unapproved medicine. The practitioner must provide a detailed prescription or medical report justifying the need for the specific medication.

2. Apply for Import Authorization

Individuals must submit an application to the Ministry of Health or the Seychelles Medicine Regulatory Authority (SMRA). The application should include:

  • A formal request letter stating the reasons for importation.
  • The prescription or medical report from the licensed practitioner.
  • Details of the medicine, including its composition, manufacturer, and country of origin.
  • Any available information on the approval status of the medicine in other jurisdictions.

3. Await Approval from Regulatory Authorities

The regulatory authorities will review the application to ensure that the importation complies with national laws and public health considerations. They may consult with medical experts or international regulatory counterparts if necessary.

4. Arrange for Importation and Customs Clearance

Upon receiving approval, the individual can proceed with the importation. It is essential to coordinate with the supplier to ensure that all shipping and customs documentation are in order. At the point of entry, customs officials will verify the authorization and documentation before releasing the medicine.

Important Considerations

Compliance with International Regulations

Importing medicines involves not only national laws but also adherence to international conventions, such as the United Nations drug control treaties. Compliance with these regulations is crucial to prevent legal complications.

Quality and Safety Assurance

Ensuring the quality and safety of the medicine is paramount. Individuals should source medicines from reputable suppliers and verify that they meet international quality standards, such as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).

Potential for Alternative Treatments

Before pursuing importation, it is advisable to explore all available treatments within Seychelles. Consulting with medical specialists may reveal alternative therapies or medicines that are effective and readily available.

Contact Information for Regulatory Authorities

For assistance and more detailed information, individuals can contact the following authorities:

  • Ministry of Health: Responsible for public health policies and authorization of medicine importation.
  • Seychelles Medicine Regulatory Authority (SMRA): Oversees the regulation of medicines and can provide guidance on importation procedures.


Importing unapproved or unavailable life-saving medicines for personal use in Seychelles is a process governed by the Controlled Drugs Act (2016). By following the prescribed procedures and obtaining the necessary authorizations, individuals can lawfully access essential medicines while complying with national and international regulations.


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