Import unapproved medicine into Greenland

Importing medicines into Greenland

Greenland View English version

Import af Livreddende Medicin til Personlig Brug i Grønland

Import af medicin til personlig brug i Grønland er reguleret af Bekendtgørelse om import og eksport af lægemidler til og fra Grønland (2019). Når medicinen ikke er godkendt eller tilgængelig i Grønland, men er nødvendig for at redde liv, skal specifikke krav opfyldes for lovligt at importere den.

Lovgivningsmæssig Ramme

Formålet med reguleringen er at sikre folkesundheden ved at kontrollere importen af lægemidler. Dette sikrer, at kun sikre og effektive medicinske produkter når ud til befolkningen. Bekendtgørelsen fra 2019 fastlægger procedurerne og betingelserne for import af sådanne lægemidler til personlig brug.

Krav til Import af Ikke-godkendt Livreddende Medicin

For at importere ikke-godkendt eller utilgængelig livreddende medicin til personlig brug i Grønland skal følgende krav opfyldes:

  1. Lægelig Recept: En gyldig recept fra en autoriseret læge.
  2. Tilladelse fra Sundhedsmyndighederne: Godkendelse fra de grønlandske sundhedsmyndigheder.
  3. Bevis for Nødvendighed: Dokumentation for, at medicinen er essentiel, og at der ikke er alternative behandlingsmuligheder.
  4. Overholdelse af Importregler: Overholdelse af alle told- og importprocedurer.

1. Lægelig Recept

En recept skal udstedes af en autoriseret sundhedsprofessionel. Recepten skal klart angive:

  • Patientens fulde navn og personlige oplysninger.
  • Diagnosen, der kræver medicinen.
  • Det præcise navn på medicinen, dosering og behandlingsvarighed.
  • Lægens legitimation og kontaktoplysninger.

2. Tilladelse fra Sundhedsmyndighederne

Import af ikke-godkendt medicin kræver forudgående tilladelse fra de grønlandske sundhedsmyndigheder, såsom Departementet for Sundhed. Ansøgningen om tilladelse skal indeholde:

  • Den lægelige recept.
  • Detaljerede oplysninger om medicinen.
  • Bevis for medicinens nødvendighed.

Myndighederne vil vurdere ansøgningen for at sikre, at medicinen er sikker og nødvendig for patientens helbred.

3. Bevis for Nødvendighed

Patienten skal dokumentere, at medicinen er livreddende, og at der ikke findes godkendte alternativer i Grønland. Dette kan omfatte:

  • Medicinske journaler og testresultater.
  • En erklæring fra lægen, der forklarer behovet for den specifikke medicin.
  • Information om, hvorfor alternative behandlinger ikke er egnede.

4. Overholdelse af Importregler

Efter modtagelse af tilladelse skal patienten overholde alle importregler, herunder:

  • At deklarere medicinen ved tolden.
  • At præsentere al påkrævet dokumentation for toldmyndighederne.
  • At sikre, at den importerede mængde stemmer overens med den godkendte mængde.


For at importere livreddende medicin skal følgende trin følges:

  1. Konsultation: Mød med en autoriseret læge for at få en recept og nødvendig dokumentation.
  2. Indsendelse af Ansøgning: Indsend en ansøgning til sundhedsmyndighederne med alle krævede dokumenter.
  3. Afvent Godkendelse: Vent på godkendelse fra sundhedsmyndighederne, før du fortsætter.
  4. Importation: Arranger importen af medicinen og sørg for overholdelse af alle regler.
  5. Toldklarering: Deklarer medicinen og præsenter dokumentation ved indrejse i Grønland.

Vigtige Overvejelser


På grund af den kritiske natur af livreddende medicin er det vigtigt at starte ansøgningsprocessen så tidligt som muligt for at tage højde for behandlingstider.

Juridiske Konsekvenser

Manglende overholdelse af importreglerne kan medføre juridiske konsekvenser, herunder konfiskation af medicinen og mulige straffe.

Transport og Opbevaring

Sørg for, at medicinen transporteres og opbevares i henhold til producentens anvisninger for at opretholde dens effektivitet.


For assistance kan de grønlandske sundhedsmyndigheder kontaktes:

Yderligere Information

For flere detaljer om importprocessen, se følgende ressourcer:


English version

Importing Life-Saving Medicine for Personal Use into Greenland

The importation of medicine for personal use into Greenland is governed by the Executive Order on the Import and Export of Medicinal Products to and from Greenland (2019). When the medicine in question is unapproved or unavailable in Greenland but is essential for life-saving purposes, specific requirements must be met to legally import it.

Regulatory Framework

The regulations aim to safeguard public health by controlling the importation of medicinal products. This ensures that only safe and effective medical products reach the population. The 2019 Executive Order outlines the procedures and conditions for importing such medicines for personal use.

Requirements for Importing Unapproved Life-Saving Medicine

To import unapproved or unavailable life-saving medicine for personal use into Greenland, the following requirements must be fulfilled:

  1. Medical Prescription: A valid prescription from a licensed physician.
  2. Authorization from Health Authorities: Approval from the Greenlandic health authorities.
  3. Proof of Necessity: Documentation showing that the medicine is essential and no alternatives are available.
  4. Compliance with Import Regulations: Adherence to all customs and importation procedures.

1. Medical Prescription

A prescription must be provided by a licensed healthcare professional. The prescription should clearly state:

  • The patient's full name and personal details.
  • The diagnosis necessitating the medication.
  • The precise name of the medicine, dosage, and duration of treatment.
  • The physician's credentials and contact information.

2. Authorization from Health Authorities

Importing unapproved medicine requires prior authorization from the Greenlandic health authorities, such as the Ministry of Health. The application for authorization must include:

  • The medical prescription.
  • Detailed information about the medicine.
  • Evidence of the medicine's necessity.

The authorities will assess the application to ensure that the medicine is safe and necessary for the patient's health.

3. Proof of Necessity

The patient must demonstrate that the medicine is life-saving and that no approved alternatives are available in Greenland. This may involve:

  • Medical records and test results.
  • A statement from the physician explaining the need for the specific medicine.
  • Information on why alternative treatments are not suitable.

4. Compliance with Import Regulations

Upon receiving authorization, the patient must comply with all import regulations, including:

  • Declaring the medicine at customs.
  • Presenting all required documentation to customs officials.
  • Ensuring that the quantity imported matches the authorized amount.

Application Process

To import life-saving medicine, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Consultation: Meet with a licensed physician to obtain a prescription and necessary documentation.
  2. Application Submission: Submit an application to the health authorities with all required documents.
  3. Await Approval: Wait for the approval from the health authorities before proceeding.
  4. Importation: Arrange for the medicine to be imported, ensuring compliance with all regulations.
  5. Customs Clearance: Declare the medicine and present documentation upon entry into Greenland.

Important Considerations

Time Sensitivity

Due to the critical nature of life-saving medicines, it's important to initiate the application process as early as possible to account for approval times.

Legal Implications

Non-compliance with import regulations can result in legal consequences, including confiscation of the medicine and possible penalties.

Transportation and Storage

Ensure that the medicine is transported and stored according to the manufacturer's guidelines to maintain its efficacy.

Contact Information

For assistance, contact the Greenlandic health authorities:

Additional Information

For more details on the importation process, refer to the following resources:


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